Tine is our wonderful yin yoga teacher. As the founder of Shin yoga ’n coach, her goal is to make people shine, from the inside out and out. Tine enjoys guiding people in the
Tine is our wonderful yin yoga teacher. As the founder of Shin yoga ’n coach, her goal is to make people shine, from the inside out and out. Tine enjoys guiding people in their quest for personal growth.
Tine uses principles from Eastern medicine to show the connections between our thoughts and emotions on the one hand and our physical sensations and/or complaints on the other hand. In this way she reconnects you with yourself and you learn to speak the language of your body again.
Yin Freak
Certificates & awards
Tuina - OTCG i.o.
TCM basisjaar - ICZO
Yin Yoga Teacher 200h - Pure Energy Yoga Utrecht
Restorative Yoga opleiding 30u - Pure Energy Yoga Utrecht ism Luc Acke
Chikung opleiding - Back in Balance
Persoonlijkheidscoach - Europese Academie voor Natuurlijke gezondheidszorg
Kinderyoga docent - Volwassenenonderwijs Antwerpen
Auteur syllabus “Veerkracht bij kinderen” - UCLL
Master Rechten - ManaMa Fiscaal Recht - Universiteit Antwerpen